【甄選資訊 】


LEAP@Duke 與杜克大學合作,本計畫將選送 2 名具產業技術研發能力以及創新創業企圖心之博士級人才,接受為期一年人工智慧 (AI) 於健康醫療領域之深度研究。

The focus of the LEAP@Duke program is bridging mathematics, statistics and medicine for biomedical signal processing and providing a concrete artificial intelligence solution for one specific problem in healthcare. The candidates are encouraged to bring their own clinical problem, database, preliminary research result, or even prototype. They will stay in Duke University for one year. In addition to finding team members to implement the solution, the candidates are encouraged to participate in the research, the collaboration in hospitals and industrial activities in the Research Triangle.



Applicants should have either a medical degree, or a PhD degree in computer science, electrical engineering, statistics or applied mathematics.

1. 申請人須有醫療資訊或程式語言設計相關背景知識,具備生理時間序列訊號分析經驗者尤佳。

2. 申請人具有(1)應用數學、統計、電機、資工、醫工所和醫療相關科系 (如復健科系)博士學位(Ph.D)、等同學歷或博士班將畢業。




1. 內容與比例

(1) 定期與LEAP@Duke教授討論且執行智慧生理監視系統之專案開發(60%)。

(2) 參與創投及創業相關活動(20%)。

(3) 參與Duke合作實驗室的weekly seminar、Lab group meeting與校內學術相關活動(20%)。

2. 期間有機會參與美國其他大學 (如耶魯大學、普林斯頓大學與史丹佛大學)的學術交流活動。

3. 學員完成一年培訓後,預期做出prototype,例如加護病房的智慧精準預測系統,手術房的麻醉血行動力學精準監視系統,居家睡眠精準調控系統,及其他(鼓勵學員自帶題目)。