
為培育臺灣高階科技創新創業人才,引領臺灣高品質人才連結未來世界以建立我國創新平臺,國科會推動「博士創新之星計畫」(以下簡稱「本計畫」), 選派具創新創業企圖心之高階人才赴美國、法國及以色列等高科技企業、新創公司以及知名學研機構進行專案合作研習 1 年。

希望藉此開拓我國高階人才之能力與創新思維,並透過參與當地創新創業或相關社群活動,建立我國與海外創新資源之連結, 進而於返臺後對臺灣產業或學研界有所貢獻。

  • 本計畫由財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心博士創新之星計畫辦公室(以下簡稱「本計畫辦公室」)執行。
  • 為使甄選流程公平公正,本計畫之各階段甄選,將由本計畫辦公室邀請相關領域專家及企業代表組成「評選委員會」進行甄選。
三、 申請資格與甄選程序



  • (一)組別說明
  • 與國際級企業、潛力新創公司、台灣創新創業中心(TIEC)及 Taiwan Tech Arena(TTA)補助之新創公司等合作,研習學員進入國際企業研習,共同參與產業技術研發、產品設計、商業發展或新創實務工作。
  • 藉由於海外一年期間參與尖端科技研發或新創資源連結,於研習返臺後投入我國相關產業,以帶動臺灣產業創新轉型。

  • (二)申請資格
  • 1.國籍:申請人須有中華民國國籍。
  • 2.年齡:40歲(含)以下。
  • 3.學歷:
  • A.具有國內外博士學位者(若具十大產業創新相關背景者優先:亞洲.矽谷、綠能科技、生醫產業、智慧機械、國防航太、新農業、循環經濟、數位國家創新經濟、文化科技、晶片設計與半導體產業)。
  • B. 非博士者,符合國家科技發展方向之相關經歷,並有特殊事蹟(包括但不限於科技創新競賽獲獎、傑出學術研發成果、領導公私部門研發專案及應用之經驗、從事科技新創並有具體成果等)。
  • 4.英文能力證明:須提供英語能力鑑定之測驗結果,詳依各研習機構規定。

  • (三)申請方式
  • 1.申請人須至計畫網站線上申請,報名系統網址http://LEAP.stpi.narl.org.tw
  • 2.本年度申請截止日期為 109 年 4 月 30 日,逾期不受理報名。
  • 3.請依線上系統登錄格式內容,詳實完整填寫並檢附相關中英文資料,以利後續審查作業。
  • 4.網路報名截止後,申請人即無法再修改已送出的報名資料。

  • (四)甄選流程
  • 甄選程序 甄選程序

  • 報名申請
  • 申請人於申請時,可選填欲前往之海外企業或公司之研習志願。
  • 書面審查
  • 申請人於線上系統提交之書面申請資料,由參與徵選之海外企業進行書面審查,並視需要電話或視訊訪談。
  • 名單公告
  • 產業組預定於109年5月公告【書面審查】結果,並通知通過初審者培訓營活動細節及複選面試資訊。
  • 躍升培訓營
  • 通過書面審查的候選學員方獲得參與本計畫辦理之躍升培訓營資格,候選學員應全程參與躍升培訓營,於活動期間建立創新創業人脈、學習創業規劃、溝通及簡報技巧,並與企業先進及各海外企業代表交流互動,以利後續媒合程序。本梯次媒合時程依本計畫辦公室公告為主。
  • 核定公告
  • 本組實際獲核定學員人數,將經由審查會議決定。獲選學員與本計畫辦公室簽訂合約後,將由本計畫辦公室協助簽證申請事宜,前往海外研習單位參加研習計畫。上述程序如有異動,請依本計畫辦公室公告為主。

本梯次學研組為【LEAP@Stanford 】一校徵件,相關說明及申請規定如下:https://leap.stpi.narl.org.tw/enterprise?type=academic
  • 補助金額:
  • 補助核發方式:



  • 本計畫優先補助未曾受領政府公費補助出國之申請人,且曾受本計畫補助者不得再次申請。
  • 公告入選之學員赴海外研習前須與本計畫辦公室簽署合約,若無法完成簽署或者主動放棄簽約者,視同放棄參與赴海外研習權利。且入選學員除應履行本計畫簡章之相關事項外,亦應確實遵守雙方簽署之合約。
  • 由於入選學員赴海外研習作業受簽證作業時程影響,確切赴海外時間依據入選學員之入境簽證文件為準,至遲須於本計畫辦公室公告之時程內抵達選定之海外研習機構。
  • 學員在海外研習期間,若無法繼續參與本計畫之研習,除經本計畫辦公室書面同意者外,需依合約負返還已受領之費用及相關賠償責任。
  • 學員於本計畫之研習期間內應於指定期間內依規定繳交期中報告及結案報告,並通過審查(報告格式、內容,依本計畫辦公室公告為主)。
  • 獲本計畫補助之學員有返國服務之義務,凡於本國境內公私部門服務,皆視為返國服務。返國服務之年限必須與所受領補助期限相同,學員應於研習結束後五年之內返國服務。如有違反,違約學員須立即返還所受領之全額生活補助費用及研習費用。
  • 國科會或本計畫辦公室不為結束研習之學員安排工作,學員需自行洽談覓職事宜。
  • 其他學員權利義務以合約規範內容為準。
  • 本計畫之相關資訊與公告請密切注意本計畫網站:
  • 本計畫簡章如有未盡事宜,得由本計畫辦公室隨時修訂公布之。
  • 完整簡章下載
The First Batch
I. Program introduction

In order to cultivate high-level scientific, technological, innovative and entrepreneurial talents in Taiwan, connect the high-quality talents with the world and establish a domestic startup platform, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) launches "LEAP Program". Via the LEAP program, PhD and high-level talents with innovation and entrepreneurialship are selected and sent to ventures, cooperations or academic institutes in the U.S., France and Israel for 6 to 12 months. We believe that the program will cultivate high-quality talents for Taiwan, lift up their abilities in strategic thinking and entrepreneurship and help them participate in local innovative and entrepreneurial activities and related community activities, establish networks with international startup resources, and allow the talents contribute to domestic industries after they return home.

II. Executive organizations
  • The program is run by the LEAP Program Office of Scientific and Technological Policy Research and Information Center, National Applied Research Laboratories.
  • The selection process of each phase will be conducted by committee that is formed by professionals in relevant fields.
III. Eligibility
  • Nationality: Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Age: under 40 years old.
  • Education:
    • Applicants with Ph.D. degree in all academic areas are welcome (background of ten major innovative industries including Asia silicon valley development plan, intelligent machinery, green energy technology, biomedicine, national defense, new agriculture, circular economy, digital economy, cultural innovation, and semiconductors and IC design are preferred).
    • Applicants who do not have Ph.D. degree will be considered. The applicants will need to acquire working experience in governmental development of technology related fields, and special achievement (including but not limited to awards of science and technology innovation competitions, outstanding academic research and development achievement, leading experience of R&D projects in public or private sector, specific achievement of innovation and entrepreneurship, etc.)
  • English proficiency: Applicants must provide English proficiency test results.
  • The LEAP Program will subsidize applicants who have never been granted any governmental subsidy to overseas in priority. Program fellows can only be granted with subsidy once by LEAP Program, including Enterprise Group and Academic Group.
IV. Categories description

The details of【Enterprise Group】and【Academic Group】are as following:

【Enterprise group】

  • 1.The program cooperates with international farsighted companies or start-up companies with potentials in above-mentioned countries. The program fellows participate in the R&D with advanced technology in the company or join their start-up process.
  • 2.By participating in R&D of cutting-edge technology or linking with new venture resources for one year in above-mentioned countries. After the study/training, the LEAP fellows will be encouraged to make contribution to related industries in Taiwan in order to promote innovation transformation of Taiwan industries.
  • 【Academic group】
  • 1.The program collaborates with internationally renowned institutions and research institutes, and provides our program fellows with knowledge and practical experience in technology commercialization. This group intends to help our program fellows participate in the research and development of specific cutting-edge technologies and assist our program fellows in linking related entrepreneurial resources in and out of the academic institutions.
  • 2.The program fellows should participate or engage in Taiwan’s start-up ecosystem after returning to Taiwan in order to apply the fellows’ R&D results in time.
  • V. Application and Deadline
    • Applicants are required to apply online at http://leap.stpi.narl.org.tw
    • The deadline for application this batch is October 31st, 2018. Any late registration/application is not accepted.
    • Please fill the online application form completely and accurately in Chinese and English for subsequent review.
    • Applicants will not be able to modify the application after the deadline for online application.
    VI. Review Process and Matchmaking

    There will be one to two batches per year.

      【Enterprise group】

      The review process and timeline is as following:

      甄選程序 甄選程序


      Applicants can choose companies when applying Enterprise Group.

      Written review

      The companies will review applicants' documents. Phone or video interview will be requested if necessary.

      LEAP local training camp

      Qualified applicants who have passed the written review process are invited to participate in LEAP local training camp. During the activity, the qualified applicants will interact with the companies and meet companies’ representatives for situational interview and matchmaking.


      According to matching results and the reviews by the NSTC, the finalist will be announced in January 2019. The selected fellows will be asked to sign contract with the LEAP Program Office. The LEAP Program Office and the host companies will assist program fellows in applying VISA (J-1) before the overseas training starts.

      【Academic group】

      The review process and timeline is as following:

      甄選程序 甄選程序


      Applicants complete the online application according to requirements.

      Review Process

      There are two stages for review process. In the first stage, the review committee will select an initial group of applicants by reviewing application documents. This group of applicants will enter the second stage, and have English interview with representatives from host institution.

      LEAP local training camp

      Qualified applicants who have passed the written review process are invited to participate in LEAP local training camp. During the activity, the qualified applicants will interact with the companies and meet companies’ representatives for situational interview and matchmaking.


      The LEAP Program Office will announce the finalist of program fellows for this batch in March 2019. The Program fellows will be asked to sign contract with the LEAP Program Office. The LEAP Program Office will assist in visa (J-1) application process. The program fellows should get on board in the host institution on the agreed date.

    VII. Subsidy
    • About the Subsidy
    • The internship fund is NT$1,500,000 (at most) for 1 year cost-of-living. The amount is paid pro rata once the trainee’s stay is less than 1 year.
    • Disbursement
    • During the period of internship, the fund will be provided in 2 stages:

      First stage: After the program fellows sign the contract, the LEAP Program Office will grant the fund for the first 6 months.
      Second stage: After submitting the mid-term report, the LEAP Program Office will grant the rest of the fund.
    VIII. Right and Obligation
    • The selected fellows (referred to as "the program fellows") should sign the contract with the LEAP Program Office. If they fail to sign the contract on time, they renounce the right to join this program and the training in the above-mentioned countries.
    • The study/training start date is influenced by visa schedule, so the definite time to go abroad is set according to VISA documents when the fellows enter the above-mentioned countries. The fellows should arrive the matched research institutions/companies no later than 3 months once the selected fellows list has been announced.
    • If the program fellows can’t get on board for certain reasons and receive consensus upon both host institutions/companies and the LEAP Program Office, the start date could be postpone no later than one year after the committee made the final decision list.
    • During the training span, if the program fellows do not attend the training program for some reasons except that the program or research institutions agree and force majeure, they will be disqualified to get the allowance and should return the allowances they have got and be responsible for breaching the contract. Please refer to specifications in the contract.
    • The program fellows should attend the final review and submit the final report after the internship ends, according to the agreement signed with STPI.
    • The program fellows have duties to return to and serve in our country within five years after the training ends. The time span of serving in our country should be the same with the time span of accepting the subsidy. If there is any breach, the program fellows should return the total amount of the living subsidies and relevant fee. Executive organizations claim all rights in accordance with the law.
    • The NSTC and the LEAP Program Office will not arrange any jobs for the program fellows after the training ends. Either working in private companies or in public departments will be considered as accepted.
    • The patent and intellectual property rights generated during the training shall principally belong to the company or research institutions.
    • The Enterprise Group fellows, according to the agreement, should submit the above-mentioned countries’ innovation trend report of science and technology development in accordance with their study and profession background after the study/training program ends.
    • The Academic Group fellows, according to the agreement, should attend the academic conferences twice and other medical-related social events. Within two years, he/she must meet the requirements of making public speeches and lectures with a minimum of 8 hours each year.
    IX. Other points for attention
    • The number of the program fellows to overseas training is determined by Selection Committee and the training companies abroad.
    • If you want to learn more about the program and other announcements, please visit the LEAP program website: http://leap.stpi.narl.org.tw
    • Executive Organization: The LEAP Program Office
      • E-MAIL: LEAP@narlabs.org.tw
      • Address: 14F, No. 106, Sec. 2, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10636, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
      • Contact phone: +886-2-8771-1205
    • If there are matters not covered above, any amendment and announcement is subject to change by the LEAP Program Office.